Audrey is:
Monday, April 27th, 2009
A little excited

A little dubious

Entertained by her big sister

Pushing herself up into crawling position

Going to eat you
A little excited
A little dubious
Entertained by her big sister
Pushing herself up into crawling position
Going to eat you
Whether or not that happens again tonight is yet to be seen, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, and it may or may not be the sleep train, depending on whether that’s a good thing. Is it good to collide with the sleep train? 🙂
So we’ve had two nights of sleep training, or as it could be called, Project Exercise Those Lungs.
The first night, Audrey went to bed at 6 and fell asleep some time after that- after crying and screaming for her binky. She falls asleep just fine usually at 6, so I knew it was just the lack of binky that was making her mad. She slept until 10, when she usually gets to eat- the first big test. I let her cry, and then scream when she realized I wasn’t coming- and that went on for 1/2 hr. Then she fell asleep and slept until 2 (again, a usual time for her to wake up). This time she was raring to go from the second she woke up, and screamed intermittently for an hour before she fell asleep. That was one long hour, let me tell you. Luckily I had my iPod, and just listened to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy while she wailed. She slept until 6ish, when I figured it was only fair that she get to eat, seeing as it was morning.
Last night, she went down at 6 and set up a wail again, but fell asleep pretty quickly. Then she proceeded to wake up every hour or so until about 10 and cry for a little bit and then fall back asleep. I really think that had less to do with the sleep training than with the fact that she’s just gotten comfortable rolling onto her tummy, but not back onto her back- so she rolls onto her tummy in bed, gets mad about it, falls asleep, wakes up and is still on her tummy, and remains mad about it. Lather, rinse, repeat. At ten she went on for a while, but once she fell back asleep, she slept until 6 this morning. I could tell she was still tired, but she really wanted to eat, so I got her up, made everything really bright so she knew it was daytime, fed her and kept her up to play for a while, and then put her down for a nap around 7. She fell right to sleep and slept for another hour or so.
Tonight I put her down at 6, and she grabbed her blanket and was out almost before I got to the door. We’ll see what happens tonight- cross your fingers!!
Audrey just turned 8 months and is a little darling. She has 2 teeth (on the bottom) and 2 more threatening to come in on top. She rolls over onto her belly really well – she can roll onto her back but doesn’t prefer it. She grabs at everything, and passes things really well from hand to hand. She can sit up decently well by herself, unless she leans to one side or the other, then she’s done. She isn’t sleeping through the night but will be soon (BWAAAAHAAAHAAA!!) – we’re starting sleep training tonight. (Pray for us.) She “talks” a lot, babbling and shouting most of the day. Here’s some pictures of her looking cute.
Playing with a balloon
I just think this is a cool picture
Looking a little perturbed (she wasn't actually, she just looked that way.)
Playing with her big sister
And channeling her inner Godzilla:
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