Audrey is 8 months

Audrey just turned 8 months and is a little darling.  She has 2 teeth (on the bottom) and 2 more threatening to come in on top. She rolls over onto her belly really well – she can roll onto her back but doesn’t prefer it.  She grabs at everything,  and passes things really well from hand to hand.  She can sit up decently well by herself, unless she leans to one side or the other, then she’s done.  She isn’t sleeping through the night but will be soon (BWAAAAHAAAHAAA!!) – we’re starting sleep training tonight.   (Pray for us.)  She “talks” a lot, babbling and shouting most of the day.  Here’s some pictures of her looking cute.

Playing with a balloon

Playing with a balloon

I just think this is a cool picture

I just think this is a cool picture

Looking a little perturbed (she wasn't actually, she just looked that way.)

Looking a little perturbed (she wasn't actually, she just looked that way.)

Playing with her big sister

Playing with her big sister

And channeling her inner Godzilla:



4 Responses to Audrey is 8 months

  1. Brandy Says:

    what’s sleep training? good luck with it!

  2. Momma Says:

    Sleep training is the process by which kids learn how to go to sleep on their own. Or, in Audrey’s case, learn how to go back to sleep in the middle of the night on their own. There’s a bunch of different philosophies about how to approach it, and I generally go with the approach of letting them cry and then soothing them at increasing intervals, except that both of my children get extraordinarily mad if you sooth them and then go way again leaving them in their bed, so they just scream louder. In Z’s case she did that until she threw up. (Joyous, truly.)

    So when Audrey wakes up in the middle of the night, she will make some noise trying to get my attention, and I will not respond, and in all likelyhood she will kick up a royal fuss until she falls asleep again. So we’re looking at lots and lots of screaming tonight. And for the next couple nights until she catches on and when she wakes up in the middle of the night she’ll just roll back over and go back to sleep like a civilized person.

  3. Daddy Says:

    I think the perturbed look comes from me. I tend to have that expression when I’m concentrating on something.

  4. Brandy Says:

    oh…that sounds like good times 🙂 how’d it go?

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