July 30th, 2008

Posted by mobile phone:
Audrey Katana Snell was born. mother and child are just fine. stats: 7 lbs 9.2 oz
length: 20.75 inches


July 30th, 2008

Posted by mobile phone:
the dr just said we have about 15 minutes till it’s time to push


July 30th, 2008

Posted by mobile phone:
doc came in and said things are fine. water is broken


July 30th, 2008

Posted by mobile phone:
labor is progressing along fine, epidural is in and the doctors are having her rest a little. might try and catch 10 minutes of rest myself

Ready for updates

July 30th, 2008

Posted by mobile phone:
While waiting for the reinforcements, I set up a way to add posts from my phone so I can update as much as possible during the day.

For most recent updates, watch this space 😉

Foolish mortals, I obey no schedules!

July 30th, 2008

Just after we had a nice time slot available for Audrey’s induction, she decides to ignore it.  It’s 3:45 AM (I didn’t know there WAS a 3:45 AM) and we are waiting for someone to arrive to watch over Zoë while we make our mad dash to the hospital.

A message from big sister…

July 29th, 2008

Zoë asks what we were all wondering, “baby Audrey, where are you?”


July 21st, 2008

Just to set straight anyone who suspected radio silence meant something was happening- nothing is happening. My doctor’s prediction of “sooner than later” is only proving true if “sooner” equals “just before, or possibly after your due date” and later means “sometime next year”. But that’s ok, I’ve come to terms with it. Z did very well being late, so I won’t begrudge Audrey any extra time she decides to spend.  (And if that time is spent on her hair, all the better. We’re all for hair, here. )

Zoe, on the other hand, is getting quite impatient, to the point of claiming that it’s baby Audrey on the phone anytime it rings, and walking around saying “Baby Audrey, home now”.

Auntie Christy broke the code of silence

July 21st, 2008

Audrey’s Auntie Christy just let me in on one of those secrets that I always knew existed but I never had proof…until now!

me: why are girls so slow?
Christy: we train from birth, she’s fixing her hair
me: apparently from pre-birth
Christy: exactly!  she’s waiting for another ultrasound so she can tell if she got the part right

Now the waiting gets worse…

July 7th, 2008

Maryanne had a visit to the doctor last week to check on Audrey’s process.  The doc basically said that Audrey was all lined up and ready to go.  Sounds great, right?  Well she also said that Audrey could show up tomorrow or 3 weeks from now.

I thought waiting around for the cable guy to show up between 12-5pm was bad…

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